ELIPSE residential building
Couleur | Color, Sonderfarbe grau unglasiert
Surface | Single pilaster stripe
The combination of the purity of white and the warmth of wood creates an inviting atmosphere that makes the building a place of well-being for both users and onlookers.
The façade design gives the building a lively, almost sculptural quality that blends seamlessly into the urban landscape. The rear-ventilated construction not only ensures optimum heat and moisture regulation, but also contributes to the building’s energy efficiency. This project impressively demonstrates how modern materials and traditional elements can be balanced to achieve both aesthetic and functional excellence.
Couleur | Nature, white matt | Nature, white matt
Surfaces | Plain | Single pilaster stripe
Type de projet | Renovation
Architecte | Arriazu Arquitectos, ES
Photographe | Victor Rodrigo, ES
Couleur | Color, Sonderfarbe grau unglasiert
Surface | Single pilaster stripe