5. Expert dialog facade planning

13 | 09 | 2021

« DIGITAL PLANNING – INNOVATION BOOST BY CORONA? » – As a partner of NEXT Studios, we cordially invite you, together with the trade journal GLASWELT as media partner, to the 5th trade dialog facade planning around the future topic « digitalization » on September 30, 2021.

One thing is clear: digital planning is becoming increasingly important in the construction industry. Experts agree that the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) will become an indispensable standard in the future, especially for the realization of increasingly demanding and complex facade constructions.

Competent experts from architecture, planning and general contractors will shed light on digitization from their respective perspectives – from global contexts to daily practice in project business. The question will also be specifically addressed: Has the pandemic even provided an additional boost to innovation and accelerated the rocky process of digitization?

In addition to highly interesting presentations, the event offers sufficient space for intensive networking and the personal exchange of experiences.

More information and registration at: https://next-studio.de/

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